Important News


B.T.S! EXO! Wanna One! Are you interested in K-POP?

Shelter Supporters

Shelter Supports will hold their next meeting on October 10.

Model United Nations Club

The Model United Nations Club will be meeting after school on Friday, October 11th in N203.

Environmental Club

The Environmental Club meeting for today, Wednesday October 2nd has been cancelled.

Showcase 2020

Lions - Got a talent you want to share with the school?

Math National Honor Society

Any student who has completed at least 2 GT or AP math classes with a final grade of at least a "B" and is interested in applying to be a member of the Math National Honor Society.

ASVAB Testing

Whether you're planning on college, a technical school, the military, or you're not sure yet, the ASVAB Career Exploration Program can put you on the right path.

Creative Writing Club

The Creative Writing Club is meeting this Thursday, October 3rd.