Course Registration: 2025-26

We are officially beginning course registration for the school year 2025-2026.  All teachers have completed recommendations for graduation requirements.  On Monday, December 16th, families can view those recommendations in HCPSS Connect.  Students must enter the remaining course requests into HCPSS Connect; students need to register for a total of 7 credits and add 3 alternate courses by January 14th.

Beginning this week, there are a variety of activities offered to our students to assist in their selections. School counselors will provide course registration presentations through English classes.  During Lions’ Time on Wednesday, December 18th, students will receive links to important websites and view videos about the various elective courses offered at Howard High School.  As a follow-up, that same day during all lunch shifts, students will participate in an Electives Fair where they can speak to current teachers and students to learn more about specific courses they may be interested in registering for next year.  

Useful links for both students and families

Important upcoming dates

  • Dec. 16-Jan. 14: Course selection completed in Synergy
  • Jan. 9: Lions’ Scheduling Night 6:30-8:15 pm; flier linked here
  • Jan. 6-14: Course registration drop-in help during all lunch shifts in Career Center
  • Jan. 6-16: Fine Arts Auditions
  • Jan. 27-Feb. 12: Individual student meetings with counselors to discuss course selection

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your student’s counselor.

  • (A-Che) David Glenn at
  • (Chi-Han) Melody Green-Lewis at
  • (Har-La) Elizabeth Jaramillo at
  • (Le-O) Shannon Grieve at
  • (P-Ste) Alexis Pappadeas at
  • (Sto-Z) Jillian Haines at