Attendance Protocols for 2022-2023

Attendance: All absence, tardy, and early dismissal notes must be submitted from the
parent email to:  All absence and/or tardy notes must be submitted with five days of absence or tardy.

Tardy: Tardiness will be excused upon receipt of the email/written note per HCPSS guidelines.

Early Dismissals: Students will be given a pass to leave their class after receipt of an email requesting the dismissal and will sign out at the attendance window. The parent does
not need to come into the building when a note or email is submitted in advance.

Emergencies: If you need to pick up your student without prior notification to the front office,
you will need to come to the building and ring the doorbell. Once you are admitted into the building please proceed to the attendance window to sign your student out.  Please be sure to have your ID ready for identity verification. We will then call the student down for dismissal.