Parent Teacher Conference Information

Parent-Teacher Conferences: Parent-Teacher conferences will be held Monday, November 25th through Wednesday, November 27st.  The conference sign-up will open on Monday, November 11th (at 12:01am) and close on Friday, November 22nd (at 11:59pm). A short video to help you navigate this is available here:  or directions are below, as well.


Register for a Conference

1. Log into HCPSS Connect.

2. In the Navigation pane, select Conference and click the Parent Scheduled Conferences link in the top right corner to schedule conferences.

3. Select a time option for each class listed. The conference will be saved automatically. Once you select a time option, all other time options for that class will become unavailable.

4. To select a different time option, clear the first checkbox and select a new option.

5. If you have more than one child, select the next child in the banner across the top.

NOTE: Keep in mind the conference times you selected for your first child when selecting conference times for any additional children.


Schedule Conference Time for Secondary School:  If your child attends a second school for additional courses, e.g., Applied Research Laboratory or a synchronous class in the Digital Education Program, conferences are scheduled on a separate screen.

1. In the Navigation Panel, select Conference Scheduling > View My Conference Schedule.

2. Click the ARL/Homewood/Dual Enrollment Conference Schedules link. A page displays the conference times available for your child.

3. Select a time option for each class listed. The conference will be saved automatically.


View Conference Schedule

1. In the Navigation Panel, select Conference Scheduling > View My Conference Schedule.

2. Click the View My Conference Schedule link. A page displays listing all of the conferences for your child.